Monday, December 5, 2011

My working day

Finally finished 3day IT fair job...
It was exhausting...
Spend money is fast and easy...
But money earned like turtle moving... 

1st time be IT fair special for me...
In this IT fair I had learn a lot of experiences...
Management is super important for a event or a company...
Deeply felt it...
1st day of the PC fair 
We didn't get scold by boss but customer...
Scold us had a lousy management...
Scold us is rubbish...
I had super remember what that women scolded us... 
I admitted management us is not that good...
It is because lack of communication...
A lot of problem happened...
First 2day...our booth is set at outside...
No air-con ,super hot weather some more...
Crew involved a lot of part...
Lucky draw fortune of wheel, Sony PSP ,Philip 32 LCD
Keep explaining the game
Distribute the flyer
Count the number of customer
Collect the vouches of buffet 
Auction of Ipad 2
Seem like what also relate crew
18 people of us stay in busy started from 10am until 11pm
3th day ours booth move into the hall with air-con
How glad we are But....
Body super free on Sunday we super busy on Sunday
Large number of visitor we had scared...><
Had to do double work...
Ah lian is ours one of the lucky draw winner 
She promised  treat whole crew team dinner
Such a nice auntie ...Thank for her ^ ^
Although dissatisfying the amount of salary 
Get scold from customer and manager 
Negative energy at all
End up, it is tired but happy
Pleasant to get u guys and work together 
Crew team we are best ^ ^
Wish can cooperate again in the future 

P/S:after this IT fair I have to improve myself in speaking Cantonese as well as English

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